
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Personal Freedom on Steroids

I voted.

Not nearly enough Americans did this year.

Those who did are divided almost in half.

So it's left about half of the voters disappointed, and many even afraid of the future.

What I have to say about that might upset some of the people in that camp.  But I can't be silent when my heart is so stirred.

Here's the thing: no human form of government will succeed long-term.  Not even a republican democracy.

It got off to a great start because freedom is God's idea.  When our forefathers wrote the Declaration of Independence, they acknowledged that His intent was that all people everywhere had the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

They went on to explain that they realized people would go through hardships, and that it was no light thing to resist their monarch.  But when a ruler overstepped the boundaries of what God intended for all people, they knew it was time to revolt.  So they listed the grievances they had against the King of Great Britain; there were 27 of them, and it wasn't just about taxation without representation.  You can read the long list here:

Fifty-six men signed this document, signifying their decision to throw off the oppression suffered by British rule.  They were willing to fight and even die for the right to govern themselves.

Yet these men never indicated that a person should be free to do whatever he wanted. They knew that a lack of law would result in anarchy.  And the laws of the United States were carefully crafted to reflect a strong Judeo-Christian morality that honored the boundaries of the same God who had given rights to all men.

Fast forward through time . . . to a decade many of you will remember, just as I do.  The 1960's were a time of throwing off restraints.  Anti-establishment.  Free love.  Drugs.  War protests.  It was a generation of individuals who did the opposite of what authority expected of them.

And it wasn't only the young hippies who were protesting the morality of the age.  One woman rallied to remove prayer from schools, masses of women fought for liberation, couples swapped partners, and business leaders sold out to the Almighty Dollar.

A new chant was heard across the land, and even though it was worded to suit the group it came from, it meant one thing: nobody is going to tell me what to do--not even God.

So actions that were once illegal became accepted behaviors.  Sex without marriage resulted in unwanted pregnancies, leading to the legalization of abortion because people craved freedom without responsibility.  The natural progression of that kind of thinking brought us to the current battle being waged in states across our nation, which is the push to legalize same-sex marriage.

Dear ones, our God gave us commandments for our good, not to prevent us from having happy lives.  He created us, so He knows best what will result in blessed lives.

His expectations are wrapped in great love for us.  We get an idea what that's like when we give boundaries to our own children.  We teach them not to dart into the street or touch a hot stove or run with scissors in their hands.  We give them lessons on the consequences of lying or stealing or bullying others.  All because we want them to be okay, but we also want them to treat others in such a way that they'll be okay, too.  Physically, emotionally, mentally, and yes, even spiritually.

God's Word to us concerning sexual purity is for our good in all those areas.  Please bear with me as I explain something profound.  Marriage is a covenant before God, not just a legal contract.  Throughout history, covenants are sealed by blood.  Do you realize that couples are meant to enter marriage as virgins so that when the marriage is consummated, a bit of blood is shed to seal the covenant they've entered?

When we have sex before marriage, we're robbing ourselves of God's intent.

And it is something that can never occur between same sex partners.

Yet people are clawing to demand their rights, so sure that they know what's best for them--so sure they will find happiness if all restraints are cast aside.  It's turned into freedom at all costs, with no thought for how actions will affect other people or society at large.

It's a counterfeit that insists on personal rights without any correlating responsibility.

My generation is guilty of this.  I have been guilty myself.  We have put ourselves on the throne.

And our form of government has experienced what I believe was inevitable: it is failing because people are incapable of governing themselves apart from God.  The Bible tells us that in the last days, men will become more and more evil.  That will be true in every nation, even in this one that was the greatest one in history while it was truly under God.

We have re-elected a President that many people believe will lead our nation into greater moral decay and financial ruin.

That could well be.

But the truth is, those of us who are called by His Name have dual citizenship.  We uphold our responsibilities to our country, yet we realize that it will not save us.  It will go the way of every other power before it.

Our greatest responsibility is not to fight for our rights on this earth, as important as they are to the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness God intends for all.

No, our duty as Christians is to serve the King of kings.  One day He will come and sit on His throne, where He will rule righteously.  All will obey His commands.  Unity and peace will come to the earth.  Even the lion will lie down with the lamb.  Weapons of war will be beaten into plows.

He waits because He wants as many people as possible to find His love before it's too late.

If we allow ourselves to become overly entangled by the affairs of our nation, we will miss opportunities to reach others with His Good News.

What is that message?  Oh, it's one of ultimate freedom!  In Him, we find freedom to do what is right, not to be enslaved to the sin nature.  Freedom to live above self-centeredness so we can serve the needs of others.

I encourage you.   Ask the Lord which kingdom He wants to have first place in your mind, heart, and actions.

I believe it will move you from a politically dominant mindset to one of readiness for the coming King.

Yes, we must all continue to exercise our rights--and duties--as citizens of this nation, voting and speaking out for righteousness as God leads us.

But it is a matter of time before evil will win in the public arena.  We might be able to elect officials that will bring a reprieve, but if so, it will be short-lived.

It is for freedom that Christ has set you free.  In His Kingdom we will be free at last from everything that hinders us.  Free to love, free to worship, free to rise above the circumstances surrounding us to a place of joy.

And by faith, that Kingdom is already here.  Let's live in it.


Rick Marschall said...

Brilliant. Much clarity.

Rick Marschall said...

Brilliant. Great clarity.

Rick Marschall said...

Brilliant. Much clarity.